At Ashkiyoun Group, we don’t just create rugs; we weave together history, art, and culture. For over 140 years, our family business has been at the forefront of the Persian rug industry, embodying a vibrant fusion of tradition and innovation. Our rugs are not just pieces of decor; they are stories crafted with care, representing a unique blend of Eastern richness and Western minimalism.

the Essence of Elegance:

Ashkiyoun's Three Signature lines

Discover the unique artistry of Ashkiyoun, where each rug from our Jafarnejad, Sahara and Shahdad lines weaves together the rich legacy of persian craftsmanship with a flair for contemporary innovation. Embrace the blend  of luxurious silk and wool, the intricate designs, and  the promise of heritage in every thread. Here, tradition  speaks to modernity, and every rug tells a unique story.


The Jafarnejad product line from Ashkiyoun captures the essence of persian rug craftsmanship. Handwoven with 100% natural, pure silk, this line is a tribute to the timeless artistry passed down through generations. Each rug in the Jafarnejad line is a masterpiece, reflecting the depth of heritage and the dedication to quality that Ashkiyoun is renowned for. Perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life, this line brings a touch of historical elegance to modern living spaces.


Crafted through the collaborative vision of the Ashkiyoun brothers, the Sahara product line stands as a beacon of innovation. This line’s unique blend of silk and wool opens doors to uncharted territories of design and technique, transcending conventional boundaries and introducing novel textures and styles.


The Shahdad product line from Ashkiyoun is a fusion of traditional elegance and modern design. This innovative line features a unique blend of silk and wool, creating sophisticated and complex designs. Each rug is crafted to meet contemporary tastes and reflect the individuality of its owner, making it a perfect addition to any modern space.

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